











                                                                            Soho区惊魂夜 Last Night in Soho

                                                                            安妮特 Annette

                                                                            暗处的女儿 The Lost Daughter

                                                                            贝尔法斯特 Belfast

                                                                            不要抬头 Don’t Look Up

                                                                            倒数时刻 tick, tick…BOOM!

                                                                            复仇之渊 The Harder They Fall

                                                                            国王理查德 King Richard

                                                                            红色火箭 Red Rocket

                                                                            健听女孩 CODA

                                                                            冒名之肤 Passing

                                                                            明日之战 The Tomorrow War

                                                                            犬之力 The Power of the Dog

                                                                            沙丘 Dune

                                                                            斯宾塞 Spencer

                                                                            天鹅挽歌 Swan Song

                                                                            温柔酒吧 The Tender Bar

                                                                            智能大反攻 The Mitchells vs. The Machines

                                                                            静水城 Stillwater

                                                                            九天 Nine Days

                                                                            里卡多一家 Being the Ricardos

                                                                            路易斯·韦恩的激情人生 The Electrical Life of Louis Wain

                                                                            弥撒 Mass

                                                                            骑师 Jockey

                                                                            人类 The Humans

                                                                            算牌人 The Card Counter

                                                                            野性精神 Spirit Untamed

                                                                            一个英雄 A Hero

                                                                            遇见 Encounter aka Invasion





                                                                            不留痕迹-Leave No Trace






                                                                            领先者-The Front Runner




                                                                            他们有什么-What They Had






                                                                            99个家 99-Homes

                                                                            八恶人 The Hateful Eight‎

                                                                            冲出康普顿 Straight Outta Compton

                                                                            出棋制胜 Pawn Sacrifice

                                                                            传奇 LEGEND.Final-Screenplay

                                                                            丹麦女孩 The Danish Girl‎

                                                                            丹尼·科林斯 Danny-Collins

                                                                            房间 Room

                                                                            妇女参政论者 Suffragette

                                                                            火星救援 the_martian_screenplay

                                                                            机械姬 Ex Machina‎

                                                                            记住 Remember

                                                                            间谍之桥 Bridge-of-Spies

                                                                            金衣女人 Woman in Gold

                                                                            卡罗尔 CAROL

                                                                            旅行终点 The End of the Tour‎

                                                                            麦克白 Macbeth

                                                                            美国情人 Mistress America

                                                                            密西西比游戏Mississippi Grind

                                                                            年轻气盛 Youth

                                                                            年轻时候 While We're Young‎

                                                                            青春誓言 Testament of Youth

                                                                            少女日记 The Diary of a Teenage Girl‎

                                                                            生活残骸 Trainwreck‎

                                                                            史蒂夫·乔布斯 Steve Jobs

                                                                            索尔之子 The Son-of-Saul

                                                                            特朗勃 Trumbo‎

                                                                            头脑特工队 Inside Out‎

                                                                            微笑回应 I Smile Back

                                                                            我和厄尔以及将死的女孩 Me and Earl and the Dying Girl‎

                                                                            我们梦中见 I'll See You in My Dreams

                                                                            无境之兽 Beasts-of-No-Nation

                                                                            无人看护 The Keeping Room

                                                                            西部慢调 Slow West

                                                                            小黄人大眼萌 Minions

                                                                            学会驾驶 Learning to Drive

                                                                            爷们儿些 Man Up

                                                                            永远的北极熊 Infinitely Polar Bear

                                                                            与外婆同行 Grandma

                                                                            远离尘嚣 Far From the Madding Crowd

                                                                            真相 Truth

                                                                            住货车的女士 The Lady in the Van

